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A Person Who Has Made a Great Impact on My Life Free Essays

Here and there we go over an individual who changes our entire point of view of life for better. The previous summer I met Uncle Joe. My fol...

Wednesday, December 25, 2019

Joy Victory s Need An Organ - 3217 Words

Joy Victory s Need an Organ? It Helps to Be Rich provides great factual evidence to support her main claim that the rich have more advantages for acquiring an organ than do the poor and uninsured. The extensive factual evidence includes a personal account of an uninsured organ candidate, statistics and multiple expert testimonies to indicate that many variables hinder the poor and uninsured from receiving an organ. One of the most important variables is the socio-economic status of the potential organ recipient because statistics and evidence indicate receiving organs is determined primarily on a financial basis. Also, the article suggests the uninsured and poor not only suffer from physical ailments but also from a lack of hope for obtaining an organ. One of the ways Victory uses factual evidence is by narrating a personal account of an uninsured 34- year-old who is not only suffering physically but also suffering from a lack of hope for obtaining an organ. Brian Regions, the unins ured 34- year-old, is physically in agony every day with congestive heart failure and is consistently facing insufficient health care (Victory 736). As Victory accurately points out, Regions is not the only uninsured individual who is at risk for his expensive physical problems. It is also reported that there are thousands of others who are in physical agony with incurable heart damage (Victory 736). Without future heart support and financial intervention, Regions and many others mayShow MoreRelatedThe Article Need An Organ933 Words   |  4 PagesThe article â€Å"Need an Organ? It Helps to be Rich,† by Joy Victory informs readers of how medical systems work for those who are in need of an organ transplant. In the article, Victory talks about a 34-year-old man named Brian Shane Regions - who is in need of a heart transplant, but is not able to secure one because he is not insured. Therefore, not having insurance, Brian is put into an unfortunate situation because he is sim ply not getting any treatment for his heart failure. This is a great exampleRead MoreThe Secret Of Happiness Is Relationship1949 Words   |  8 PagesIf one could just remove all earthly desires from our list and look at only permanent desires, it would be obvious that we just want to continue feeling positive sensations like excitement, happiness, inspiration, motivation, munificence, affection, joy etc. - put in other words, we want to continue being happy. Happiness Happiness is one state of emotion that we are all longing to be in. We all may define it differently. We may value it differently. We may experience it at different levels of intensityRead MoreKhalid Ibn El Waleed3369 Words   |  14 Pages he was giving them inspirational speeches and advises before and during the battle , he was always wandering around between the lines encouraging this and correcting that , he was always saying â€Å" patience is richness , Failure is deficit , and victory comes with patience â€Å" . We are talking about a leader who uses survey forces fifteen centuries ago, he was sending survey forces ahead of his army whenever he goes, and on the other hand he never let his enemies to get any news about him. CourageRead More Macbeths Images and Imagery1882 Words   |  8 Pagesblack magic:    Much of the approach and detail was carried over, particularly the clash between religious purity and black magic. Purity was embodied by Duncan, very infirm (in 1974 he was blind), dressed in white and accompanied by church organ music, set against the black magic of the witches, who even chanted Double, double to the Dies Irae. (283)    L.C. Knights in the essay Macbeth explains the supporting role which imagery plays in Macbeths descent into darkness:    Read MoreThe Horrendous Evil Within Shakespeares Macbeth1953 Words   |  8 PagesThe Horrendous Evil Within Macbeth      Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Macbeth by William Shakespeare is a recognized classic tragedy portraying the victory of good over evil. This paper will explore the various expressions of evil within the play.    In Everybodys Shakespeare: Reflections Chiefly on the Tragedies, Maynard Mack compares the fall of Macbeth to the fall of Satan:    In some ways Shakespeares story resembles the story of the Fall of Satan. Macbeth has imperial longings, as Satan has; he isRead MoreEssay Evil Reaps Darkness in Shakespeares Macbeth2751 Words   |  12 Pageshour when light thickens, when nights black agents to their prey do rouse, when the wolf begins to howl, and the owl to scream, and withered murder steals forth to his work. (307)    In his book, On the Design of Shakespearean Tragedy, H. S. Wilson identifies the darkness in the play with evil, hell, devils:    Mr. Kenneth Muir, in his introduction to the play - which does not, by the way, interpret it simply from this point of view - aptly describes the cumulative effect of theRead More Blackness in Macbeth Essay example2735 Words   |  11 Pageshis tragedy Macbeth an evil couple who face the dark hand of death - as a result of criminal deeds. Let us look closely at the growing, enveloping darkness of the play as it progresses.    In his book, On the Design of Shakespearean Tragedy, H. S. Wilson identifies the darkness in the play with evil, hell, devils:    Mr. Kenneth Muir, in his introduction to the play - which does not, by the way, interpret it simply from this point of view - aptly describes the cumulative effect of theRead More Shakespeares Macbeth - Deep Darkness Essay example2747 Words   |  11 Pagesblack magic:    Much of the approach and detail was carried over, particularly the clash between religious purity and black magic. Purity was embodied by Duncan, very infirm (in 1974 he was blind), dressed in white and accompanied by church organ music, set against the black magic of the witches, who even chanted Double, double to the Dies Irae. (283)    The Tragedy of Macbeth opens in a desert place with thunder and lightning (typical accompaniment to darkness) and three witches, somberRead MoreLiberty University Bibl 323 John Module 6 Notes Essay9463 Words   |  38 Pages 1. Jesus is using what is known as the â€Å"Socratic method† of teaching, using question and answer. It was not for the teacher to quiz the pupil but for the pupil to quiz the students. It emphasizes learning readiness because it focuses on the need of the student. Jesus did ask questions, He asked 107 questions in the gospels. 2. Jesus will answer four questions in this chapter, the first question was asked in 13:36 but is answered here. Read MoreA Critical Review of â€Å"the Ambiguities of Football, Politics, Culture, and Social Transformation in Latin America† by Tamir Bar-on.14147 Words   |  57 Pages To support his claim that soccer has an abnormally large influence on the Latin American population, Bar-On states that â€Å"football acts as the great societal equalizer able to provide popular expressions of celebration and pride for national victories, or alternatively lead towards emotions of national gloom, mourning, and even occasional suicides after crucial defeats (1997:2.3). The way his research is connected to the sociological problem I chose is highlighted in paragraph 2.2 of his

Monday, December 16, 2019

WGU SZT 1 Task 4 - Disaster in Franklin County Essay

The most important aspect in managing a disaster situation is preparedness. The simulation Disaster in Franklin County highlights the role of public health personnel, with emphasis on the public health nurse because the nurse is often a first responder to such a disaster. This helps to examine the roles, actions, coping methods, and techniques used by a nurse in a disaster scenario. A. Role of Public Health Personnel The role of public health personnel is to maintain the physical and emotional safety of individuals throughout the community affected by the storm. Those in the Public Health Department are responsible for ensuring the citizens of Franklin County have all the basic necessities for survival, such as clean water, food,†¦show more content†¦B. Chain of Command Establishment of a chain of command in a situation such as a severe storm or other disaster is essential. Because there may be a disruption to commonly used manners of communication, such as television, telephones, and the internet, it is important to have a clear outline of where and to whom to report, how to find answers, and who will perform necessary tasks. In the simulation, the Public Health Department is both a link in the larger, county-wide chain of command and has its own hierarchy structure. Within the scope of the county, the Public Health Department reports to the Medical/Health Branch Director who is directly under the Operations Chief. The Operations Chief, who is in charge of managing and monitoring the actions of each department, reports to the Emergency Operations Commander. The Emergency Operations commander is the highest link in the chain, not only overseeing the operations of the various governmental departments, but also the officers in charge of Safety, Public Information, and Legal. Within the Public Health Department, like in the county structure, there is an Operations Chief, responsible for all the actions taken by the department. This is someone with experience in the field, supervisory experience, and an understanding of the structure and function of the department. Under the Operations Chief, there are officers for Logistics, Planning, Finance/Administration, Public Information and Liaison.

Sunday, December 8, 2019

Strategies Management of Apple Incorporation Sample-Myassignment

Question: Choose and Analyse an Organisation and their Strategic Approach to Marketing and Answer the related Marketing Areas. Answer: Company Background- Apple Apple incorporation is the company established in California and it is founded by the Steve Paul in 1977. Apple is very popular company and as we know that the company offers the computer software, mobile phones and laptops. All the electronic devices are introduced by the company. The wide range of the products of the Apple involves the iPhone, iPad and Mac book. The Apple Company operates its business in 50 countries and all the markets of USA, Canada, Japan, France and UK are included in this. The numbers of employees working in this company are large in number like approximately 14000 people are working in this company all over the world. The company is huge in size so the employees working in this company are also large in number around 14000 people are working across the world. However, the Apple is the brand famous for its quality and different range of electronic devices.(Apple Inc., 2017). SWOT Analysis The SWOT analysis of the company depicts the Strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats to the company. Strength: - The brand image and the customer loyalty for the Apple Company is the strength of the company. The company is known for the innovation and the strong brand image is the plus point of the company(Erika, 2014). Weaknesses: - The high level of selling prices of the mobile phones is the weaknesses of company. The people from the middle class group would not be able to buy the products because of the high cost. The distribution network channels of Apple Company are limited also. Opportunities: - The expansion of the distribution network will lead to the generation of revenues and the increasing demand of the Smartphones and the tablets is the beneficial for the growth of the Apple(Hellman, 2014). Threats: -The aggressive competition is the threat for the company as there is lot of companies offering the variety of mobile phones Samsung, Sony, Android etc. Product life Cycle Product life cycle is the concept used to analyze the industry and there are two situations for the industry of Apple one is International and other one is Domestic. International - Growth Stage of Apple As we all know that the Apple is growing very fast and Apples market is in the growth stage of International market. The company believes in the growth and expansion by entering into the emerging markets.. Domestic Market- Mature Stage Talking about the Domestic market, the market of Apple is in the stage of low growth because of the existence of the high level of competition. The competitors available in the Market like Samsung, Sony, HTC etc slow down the growth of the Apples market (Gosnar, 2012). Marketing Strategy Market Development strategy- The development of the market is very important to gain the market share and Apple need to look for the new market to become the successful brand of the electronic devices Market penetration: This strategy is applicable only in the case of the market that has the ability and potential to grow. As we know that the Apple is already a well established company and there is great scope for this company to shift or penetrate to already built market (Kissmetrics, 2017). Product development: Another strategy that the Apple company can adopted is to introduce the new features in the smart phones and laptops. The development of the products will help the company to compete in the market to gain the competitive advantage (Nagaraj, et al., 2013). Differentiation- The prices of the iPhones is no doubt high and it is very difficult to purchase these products by the middle class people. The high cost of the products shows the differentiation because of the product innovation and product quality. Current issues with Apple The high cost of the products: The high price of the Apple mobile phones is very high and it is a key issue that cost is to high for the middle class people. The people of low financial background can not afford these mobile phones because of its high prices. The problem exists when the other companies like sony, HTC, Samsung offers the mobile phones at the minimum price. Strategic positioning: The choices of the consumers changes with time and all the decisions of the company depends upon the customer choices. Apple is focusing to attract more customers and retaining the old customers to maintain its the same position in the market. (Blue Ocean Strategy Institute, 2012). Less investment in Computers: One more issue observed in this company is that the company is not interested in investing its money on the desktop computers. The reason of the less investment is that the previously the company did not get any good results. The companies like Dell and Lenevo are best in investing in the computers. (Jackson, 2013). Marketing Strategies To solve the issues and to gain the competitive advantage in the market, the marketing mix needs to be followed as strategies. The marketing mix involves the 4Ps (price, product, place and people). Product:- As we know, Apple is offering huge varieties of products like iphones, ipods, tablets, Macbook and all these products are the top products of the Apple.The strategy of Apple in terms of promoting its mobile phones should focus on the needs of the stakeholders of the organization. Price:- The pricing strategy involves higher prices for high quality products. Thus, it should offer high prices because Apple is already best known for its quality work. The price of the Mobile phones should be set higher to attain the same position in the market and to gain the maximum market share(Khan Alam, 2015). Place:- This is the strategy beneficial for the distribution of the products across the world. The company can distribute its services and products with the help of market penetration through strong campaigns. Promotion:- The promotional strategy of the company should involve the advertising and promotions against the target audience and that advertising can be done through print media in the form of newspaper, magazines, etc. Moreover, Digital advertisement such as the use of TV advertisements etc.can also be used to promote the mobile phones of the Apple(S Alam, 2015). Recommendations As we have studied in the report the Apple is a very famous brand of the mobile phones and other electronic products. This company is popular because of its innovation and quality of work. There are many issues faced by the company like high cost of the products and less investment in desktop computers. The recommendations to solve these kind of issues are given in this report. Firstly, it is recommended the company need to expand their business by opening more stores in the every part of the world. The market share of the company can be increased by doing this Secondly, it is also recommended that apple should start investing in the desktop computers to gain the competitive advantage. There should be proper strategic planning is to be followed. Furthermore, the company can do well if proper strategic planning is done. For example, the cost of the iPhone 6 should be minimized with the introduction of the new version of the mobile phone iPhone 7. Lastly, it is recommended that the Apple should do the proper utilization of the strategic management tools. References Apple Inc., 2017. Apple official website. [Online] Available at: https://www.apple.com/in/ Blue Ocean Strategy Institute, 2012. How Apples Corporate Strategy Drives High Growth, Available at: https://www.blueoceanstrategy.com/wp-content/uploads/assets/videos/AppleSlides.pdf Erika, 2014. Apple Inc.: Introduction, Available at: https://www.erikaw.com/assets/docs/ErikaWhiteAppleCase.pdf Gosnar, A., 2012. The classification of inovations: The case of Apple Inc., Available at: https://www.cek.ef.uni-lj.si/magister/gosnar795-B.pdf Hellman, J., 2014. Apple Inc.: A Short SWOT Analysis, Available at: https://www.valueline.com/Stocks/Highlights/Apple_Inc___A_Short_SWOT_Analysis.aspx#.WPW-llK6bIU Jackson, E., 2013. The big five problems facing Apple: None of which is too much cash, Available at: https://www.forbes.com/sites/ericjackson/2013/02/26/the-5-big-problems-facing-apple-none-of-which-is-too-much-cash/#35c2888754b3 Khan, U. Alam, M., 2015. A critical analysis of internal and external environment of apple inc. International Journal of Economics, Commerce and Management, June, 3(6), pp. 1-13. Kissmetrics, 2017. 7 Key Strategies That You Must Learn From Apples Marketing, Available at: https://blog.kissmetrics.com/7-strategies-apple-marketing/ Nagaraj, S., Patterson, L., Schildhorn, B. Thacher, J., 2013. Global strategy: Apple Inc., Available at: https://community.mis.temple.edu/shashanknagaraj/files/2014/04/Apple-Strategy-Paper-Group-4.pdf S Alam, 2015. A critical analysis of internal and external environment of apple inc.: Researchgate.

Sunday, December 1, 2019

What are some advantages and disadvantages of Internet free essay sample

There is no denying the fact that the internet has benefited our society. In my opinion, it has caused several harms as well. Many people only think of the benefits of the internet, but there are two sides to every story, along with the pros of surfing the web there are also many cons. Communication is one of the greatest benefits of the internet, allow public all across the globe to stay linked almost directly. One of the most renowned forms of communication on the web is electronic mail. Electronic mail allows its user to exchange information and multimedia back and forth. In today’s society, almost every person has access to an email account, and it is one of the fastest and convenient ways to get in touch with others and receive information.It is beyond doubt that the internet’s library of multimedia documents that can be simply access by user is a further positive characteristic of the web plus also a very good source of entertainment for many. We will write a custom essay sample on What are some advantages and disadvantages of Internet? or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Podcasts contain digital records, such as feed of audio, video and additional content that are automatically updated. Podcasting have been implemented not only for business but also in classrooms, audio is capture throughout class then stop at the ending, and the resulting MP3 is then completed into a file that is published on a classroom blog where it is made accessible to student.It is clear that this high percentage of spammers are taking advantage of many web users every single day. Not only do the spammers fallaciously advertise products and fake prize money, other than some of the e-mail they send include viruses that compel users to reboot their entire computer system. The reason the problem continues to develop is due to the difficulty to even catch spammers, this contributes toward the damaging and annoying effect of spam, which is why it is one of the downsides of the internet.Identity theft is another negative side of the internet. Many people tender individual information concerning their identity such as social security numbers, healthcare records, and credit card information to online sources on a regular basis as a convenient way of paying bills or ordering merchandise. With these large amounts of detailed personal information floating around on the web it has become very easy for criminals to steal a person’s identity. Since the numbers of identity fraud are so high, there are concerns that many users are going to stay away from the use of th e web for fear of falling victim to identity theft. The internet has two very different extremes of positive and negative effects. There are many helpful aspects that the internet offers such as immense amount of information, email, and podcasts. All of which are means to make day to day tasks more efficient and productive.