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A Person Who Has Made a Great Impact on My Life Free Essays

Here and there we go over an individual who changes our entire point of view of life for better. The previous summer I met Uncle Joe. My fol...

Sunday, January 26, 2020

Apple vs Microsoft Compare and Comparison

Apple vs Microsoft Compare and Comparison Corey Rill Microsoft and Apple are the two biggest companies when it comes to computer manufacturing and the consumer electronics industry. The two companies have an ample of similarities and differences. Both Microsoft and Apple launched their corporations within a short period of each other. They are the highest earning rival companies, As well as the best innovators in the market as their products are some of the most widely used worldwide. Apple Incorporated targets its efforts on the manufacture, design, and sale of consumer electronics like mobile phones, persacoms (personal computers), and televisions, as well as other similar software products. The Microsoft Corporation, on the other hand, is a computer   company that deals with the development and manufacture of software products for computers. Apple is most known for its computer design, the Macintosh, and other entertaining gadgets like the Macbook Air, the iPhone, and the Apple Watch. The items are being improved constantly and are advancing greatly as the years go by. As such, they have been received quite well by consumers. The Microsoft Company is most well known for their OS, or Operating System,   Microsoft Windows and the Microsoft office applications, such as Microsoft Word and Powerpoint. In the software market, Apple has produced the iLife creativity and IOS phones. Other inventions from Apples baked goods sale includes the iTunes media browser and the Mac Operating System MacOS X. In terms of production and   entering of new technologies into the market, The Corporate management at Apple seems to have a rather different strategy than that of Microsoft. Microsoft is a company that takes ideas that are already on the market and then dominates it. Apple, on the other hand, enjoys developing new ideas and making them big.   Apple identifies newborn technologies and ideas that are not used in a practical way and develops them to give them the appeal needed to be sold on the mass market and possibly to even satisfy the needs of the greater market. The examples of these are the iPhone (which was the first touchscreen phone), the Apple Watch, the GUI, the Multi-Touch, and iTunes. Microsoft identifies already established technologies and ideas   wishing to take part in its success. It does this by using Its power as a massive industry to deal with the competition until it succeeds the market. Examples include Xbox, MSN, Bing, Zune, Windows mobile, and Windows. Apple mostly directs its approach in making new products that will enable it to gain profit regardless of what the product is. Microsoft approaches the product line with the sole purpose of becoming the dominating company in the market no matter the profit it makes. Most companies involved with technology have followed Microsofts strategy of attempting to dominating the market regardless of the profits it makes. Trying to term it as the best sales strategy for a future-oriented company. However, apple has been running sturdy with good profits for more than a considerable amount of years, without the focus of dominating or arising any problems. In terms of features made for internet use, the companies also have different strategies. Apple does its selling using a minimalist game plan both in design and interfaces. The company narrows the clutter to   a minimum and assumes that the users do not have the time or patience to sift through the internet searching for endless possibilities. The company designs its services to provide for those with less time and more money. Microsoft is designed to give the consumer the most options possible. The corporation assumes the customer will spend hours looking for what they think is the best option. The companys search guide shows the consumer the best way to make a choice. Microsoft does this with its target customers because they are the consumers with more time on their hands and less money to spend. For instance, apple offers   one option for buying music; their program called iTunes, while Microsoft offers thousands of searches and downloadable contents on the internet. This sho ws that the two companies marketing strategies for selling products are meant for different customers. References Microsoft. Microsoft, n.d. Web. . Apple. Apple Incorporated, n.d. Web.

Saturday, January 18, 2020

Digital Fortress Chapter 46

Phil Chartrukian slammed down his receiver. Jabba's line was busy; Jabba spurned call-waiting as an intrusive gimmick that was introduced by AT T to increase profits by connecting every call; the simple phrase â€Å"I'm on the other line, I'll call you back† made phone companies millions annually. Jabba's refusal of call-waiting was his own brand of silent objection to the NSA's requirement that he carry an emergency cellular at all times. Chartrukian turned and looked out at the deserted Crypto floor. The hum of the generators below sounded louder every minute. He sensed that time was running out. He knew he was supposed to leave, but from out of the rumble beneath Crypto, the Sys-Sec mantra began playing in his head: Act first, explain later. In the high-stakes world of computer security, minutes often meant the difference between saving a system or losing it. There was seldom time to justify a defensive procedure before taking it. Sys-Secs were paid for their technical expertise†¦ and their instinct. Act first, explain later. Chartrukian knew what he had to do. He also knew that when the dust settled, he would be either an NSA hero or in the unemployment line. The great decoding computer had a virus-of that, the Sys-Sec was certain. There was one responsible course of action. Shut it down. Chartrukian knew there were only two ways to shut down TRANSLTR. One was the commander's private terminal, which was locked in his office-out of the question. The other was the manual kill-switch located on one of the sublevels beneath the Crypto floor. Chartrukian swallowed hard. He hated the sublevels. He'd only been there once, during training. It was like something out of an alien world with its long mazes of catwalks, freon ducts, and a dizzy 136-foot drop to the rumbling power supplies below†¦ It was the last place he felt like going, and Strathmore was the last person he felt like crossing, but duty was duty. They'll thank me tomorrow, he thought, wondering if he was right. Taking a deep breath, Chartrukian opened the senior Sys-Sec's metal locker. On a shelf of disassembled computer parts, hidden behind a media concentrator and LAN tester, was a Stanford alumni mug. Without touching the rim, he reached inside and lifted out a single Medeco key. â€Å"It's amazing,† he grumbled, â€Å"what System-Security officers don't know about security.†

Friday, January 10, 2020

Machine shack management system Essay

Options – This will take you to the options menu where additional features of the system will be shown. Stock Table Menu The Stock Table Menu has options relating to the stock table.   Add Record – This will take you to a screen where you can add records to you database.   View Edit Delete – This will take you to a screen where you can view the records using the up and down keys as well as let you delete or edit records.   Search Record – This will take you to a screen where you can search for records, once found it will display the record. Items Needing Reordering – This will take you to a screen which will display only the items which need reordering.   Back to Main Menu – This will take you back to the main menu. Sales Table Menu The Sales Table Menu has options relating to the stock table.   View or Delete Sale – This will take you to a screen where you can view all the sales and delete sales, using the down key to scroll through records and the ‘d’ key to delete sales.   Search Record – This will take you to a screen where you can search for Sales records, once found it will display the record.   Return Item – This allow you to return an Item which has been sold. Back to Main Menu – This will take you back to the main menu. 2. 7 Data Capture 2. 7. 1 Input Forms and Output Forms Add Record Add record will bring up the form used to add items to the stock table. The add record form will look like the illustration below: View, Amend and Delete a Record This Form will be used to view, amend and delete records, you simply use the up and down keys to scroll available records, if you would like to delete a record you press ‘d’ and it will be deleted or if you would like to amend a record you press the ‘e’ key and it will ask you which part of the record you want to amend. Search Records for sales and stock. This feature will be used to search through the database to find a specific record, it will work by asking for a item code, then searching for the item code, using an IF statement in a loop to compare ever item code with the entered value until the record is found, else if it reaches the end of the file and has not found any matching record it will display a message saying ‘record not found’. View Items which Need reordering Here items will be compared that are available in stock with the minimum stock level, if the values are the same or the value of items available is smaller then that record will show up in this output form. View or Delete Sales Record Here you can view all sales that have taken place using the up and down keys, to delete a sale you simply press the ‘d’ key and that record will be deleted. Return Item from Sales Record Here you scroll down to the sale which you want to take back and it will delete the record and if the item is still in good condition it will add it back to the stock table. Check Out The Check out is the main form used and the most complex which uses the most types of file manipulation. Here you enter Items the customer wants, it will then calculate a total for the customer and print a receipt. It will also subtract items sold from the stock table and put them into the sales table. When entering items it will display the description of the item to validate if the code it correct. 2. 8 Sample of planned data validation An Example of where I will use data validation can be taken from when you will enter an Item Code, in the add stock form, when you enter a code, the system will check the entire stock table to see if that Item Code exist if it does you will be given an error message. 2. 9 Description of record or database structure. The Database structure is mainly two files one which holds the stock details â€Å"Stock. dat† and the other which holds the Sales information â€Å"Sales. dat†, the structure and formats of these files can be found in the â€Å"Definition of data requirements† section. Details can be added to the stock file through the stock options. The Check Out will read items codes display the Name and Price of the items, you enter into it and calculate a total. Then it will subtract the items from the stock table and add them to the sales table. 2. 10 Sample of Planned data entry. An example of data entered into the add stock form. 2. 11 Sample of planned valid output An Example of Data output in the View Edit Delete Stock Form. 2. 12 File Organisation and Processing The file organisation used in the database will be a serial organisations, so when a record is added to a file it will add it to the end of the file. Searches will be preformed using a serial search, basically it will go through each record using a repeat loop and an if statement will be used to check for valid results. 2. 13 Database design including E-R Model. There are be 2 main entities in this system, a one to many relationship 2. 14 Security and Integrity of Data Firstly physical access to the computer will be pretty hard since, the end user will always be at the shop, when it is open, and the shop is locked when it is closed. The data that will be stored in this database is just mainly data about stock and sales so methods like encryption are a little too extreme. The data stored in files can really only be made sense out of if read by the database, opening them up using a text editor like notepad will give, just you lots of jumbled data. Integrity of the data will be mainly maintained by the validation rules present in the database, another way integrity is maintained is most of the complex procedures have been simplified to entering minimal data, for example entering an item into the check out just required the item code, which after entering displays the name to further make sure it is the correct information entered. 2. 15 System Security A number of steps will been taken to ensure that the system is secure and maintains the integrity of data. For security purposes the system will have a password at the start up, this will prevent unauthorised access to the system, the password and system will automatically activate at computer start up, this will be achieved by modifying the computer boot files (autoexec. bat) adding the program path and executable location. In this case like:- Since with this modification the system password will start instantly on the computer booting, It makes it harder for anyone to access the data of the system in other ways, like notepad, edit, etc. Another Security feature will be that the password can only be entered 3 times after which the computer will halt (freeze), and the only way to get back is to restart the computer, which again will take you to the password, the freeze process will be achieved by using a simple endless loop like:- Repeat Until restart; Since the Boolean variable restart is set to false and will never equal true in this case it will just keep looping. Thus making it extremely hard for the computer to be accessed in any way other then through the system, which will require a password. 2. 16 Overall Test Strategy. Test Strategy The test strategy will include:   Test all input forms, if they accept all the data   Testing of individual Menu System Options   Testing of inputting invalid or extreme data   Check backup and restore features   Test security features   Test system by inputting dummy data to simulate real events End-user tests it, to see if it meets his requirements 2. 16. 2 Test Plan Test No. Test Expected Result 1 Test Auto Boot Feature Boots straight into system, with no errors 2 Test Password Only â€Å"hello† accepted 3 Test all menu system options All options lead to the right place 4. Stock Table accepts all data sets from data set 1 All data accepted with out error 5 Test if only unique Item Code can be entered and not one that is already in the database Accepts only unique Item code 6 View Feature tested All entered data is displayed properly 7 3rd data set in stock table will be edited Changes accepted 8 8th data set in stock table will be deleted Record deleted successfully without any other affects. 9 Test Item Re-stock Feature If Items which need restocking appear in the records, these should be records, 5, 8 and 10 9 Test Check Out, Total feature Should give a correct total. Test if items sold in check out appear in sales table Should appear in sales table 11 Delete item from sales table Should delete 12 Test Return feature, if item returns to stock Should return to stock table and be deleted from sales table 13 Test Password Change Feature New Password should be accepted 14 Test Back up feature if database backs up to floppy disk Should copy stock and sales table to a floppy disk 15 Check Exit Feature Program should return to dos 16 Enter very large integer into an integer field Program may crash 17 Entering character into a integer field Program may crash. Entering more then 20 characters in the Item Name Field Since the variable for this is string[20] program may crash 2. 16. 3 Test Data Being used Test data set 1: Stock Table Item Code Item Description Price Amount in Stock Minimum Stock level 0001 Mobile Phone 35.   

Thursday, January 2, 2020

The Effects Of Physical Abuse On Children s Lives

â€Å"Wah, wah, wahh!† Imagine hearing the sound of a leather belt being brutally struck against the back-side of five-year old boy whose mother grew impatient with his â€Å"playful ways† The ruthless actions of a parent can be traumatizing to a young toddler that barely knows right from wrong. More action should be taken to prohibit more disruption in children s lives. Physical abuse can leave numerous of careless scars on the body which can lead to permanent damage. Parenting is everything to the development of a child’s life especially as they grow, learning what they are taught from home, school, and every day surroundings. When it comes to discipline many people are subjective towards where the line is drawn. Discipline easily becomes abuse when it leads to injury or any harm of their life. As children grow they are not able to make the best decisions on their own so most of their actions are acted upon what surrounds them and what they are taught. When you ’re raising children it is your commitment to assist and guide them, not belittle and abuse them. Children shouldn’t be punished because many parents can be selfish or obtain cold hearted characteristics. For instance, Parents are fully responsible for their child’s life and causing harm or mental damage to a child’s life they should be held responsible and punished for their mistreatment. Later down in life as years past their relationship with their parents causes a form of distance. Their communication andShow MoreRelatedChild Abuse And Neglect Of Children1291 Words   |  6 PagesChild abuse and neglect are highly contested concepts, underpinned by and subject to a range of political and cultural factors particular to the society in which they occur. Therefore, child abuse and neglect are not phenomena that lend themselves to easy definition or measurement (Corby, 2006:79). 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